Life & business coach, psychologist, communication expert, and passionate believer in positive human potential.

Be the author,

not an actor in your life.

Make your FREE introductory call


Stress management

Relationship challenges

Decision making

Effective communication

Positive leadership


Work-life balance


Life transitions


Personal development


What do I do?

I support people to enhance their human skills, communicate effectively, build their emotional intelligence, and strengthen resilience, to be able to establish valuable connections with others toward personal well-being.

Born as individuals but without the possibility to survive and thrive alone, we – humans – are torn between two fundamental needs: one is the need to confirm our individuality, difference, and uniqueness, and the other is the need for acceptance and relatedness with others.  

How can we alleviate this inherent human tension?

I have grown to believe that it is possible by establishing a close and caring relationship with oneself and by strengthening human skills to build valuable connections with others.




What clients say:


Ida speaks with great enthusiasm and commitment which I find very inspirational. Her way of conversation with stories and vivid examples helps me expand my perspectives, focus on my resources, and regain my confidence in communication and relations with others.

Ana K.

Product manager


Ida is a dedicated professional and helps me enhance my resilience and improve stress coping strategies in everyday challenges. Her counseling techniques are very useful and trigger reflections on individual behavior which we are often not aware of.

Slagjana S.

medical doctor


"At the time of the first session, I was hoping for someone to help me emotionally through a difficult time but not just to console me but inspire and provide direction and produce momentum in my life in a completely different set of circumstances. Ida assisted me greatly in establishing goals, helped me obtain clarity about my issues. Coaching did get me thinking about my goals and responsibilities in a helpful, realistic, and motivating way. Ida’s presence was a source of security and inspiration through a difficult time".

Ilina B.

CEO of “Mamas food” in Austria