
Welcome everyone, I’m Ida, and through this blog, I aim to share insights, tips, and stories that inspire personal and professional growth. Whether you’re looking for advice on effective communication, resilience, or leadership, you’ll find valuable resources here to support your journey. Thank you for joining me, and I hope you find my blog both informative and empowering.

Ida Protuger

certified systemic life & business coach, psychologist, a former journalist

Happiness at work

Happiness at work

Violence in the workplace can have different forms, including disrespectful communication and belittling behaviors. It remains a significant source of stress at work.

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The power of collective thinking

The power of collective thinking

Leaders hold a crucial role in nurturing collective thinking as a resource. Those appreciating the value of experience and knowledge in each team member foster a safe space for exchanging ideas. They see the synergy from combined resources as valuable input toward better, well-informed, and inclusive decisions.

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Breaking the stigma of seeking help for mental health

Breaking the stigma of seeking help for mental health

Everyone faces life challenges, and dealing with them, and seeking support from a professional, either for personal development or psychological assistance, is self-care. To step out of an uncomfortable situation, to understand that it’s okay not to feel okay. There are solutions and support out there.

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What do we do with an idea

What do we do with an idea

Our relationship with our ideas should be nurturing rather than critical. We should give them the initial impulse to grow and transform instead of holding them down and regretting missed opportunities.

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The power of self-connection

The power of self-connection

This is the speech of last month’s event where I was a speaker, the story is about the journey to autonomy, the path to self-discovery, and finding the strength offered by the inner resources we gather through life, often unaware that they become our power to create the future we desire.

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Authenticity as a value

Authenticity as a value

We brand ourselves toward personal goals by consciously communicating personal values and identity. So now the key question is, do we brand ourselves by representing our authenticity, or do we brand ourselves as a character that would be socially acceptable?

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How do we deal with insults?

How do we deal with insults?

The feeling caused by someone’s gesture, action, or word may or may not have anything to do with the intention of the “offender.” And vice versa. The insulter may intend to hurt, but the effect could be the absence of an expected emotional response.

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