About me

“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have.”
– Gautama Buddha –

Mag. Ida Protuger

Psychologist, Certified Life Coach and Counselor, Systemic business coach, Motivational Speaker, Communication expert and Blogger.


How I became the author, instead of an actor in my own life


The journey started in 2015. I move up with my family in Vienna. If I could describe this change in terms of feelings, it was a transition from feeling self-confident as a well-known journalist in Macedonia to feeling worthless as being nobody in Austria. I later realized that that feeling was because a huge part of my identity referred to my occupation. Not to mention that I didn’t know a single word in German. Learning German was the first milestone I set for myself.

Then in 2017, I started a journey of discovering and “reinventing” myself. A journey of self-exploration, learning, and self-becoming. As a psychologist by education, I used that base and enrolled myself in Life & business coaching training. In 2019 I finished my five-semester education process and I gained much more. A self-awareness about many aspects of myself, and many resources I possess. Leaving my comfort zone allowed me to grow. 

I found out that I’m not a title or single occupation, but I can use all the resources I’ve gained in my work.

As an Editor-in-chief of business news, I was mentoring journalists and now I just use word coaching, doing the same. Using the same, just upgraded skills. Experience as a media person helped me in public speaking and confidence to run workshops. 

I’m not a single occupation, not a single social role, nor one aspect, but much more. A Yin and Yang, a mother and a child, a woman and a wife, coach and media person, vulnerable and strong. The same as you. I’m happy and grateful for every second of this journey and experience that made me come close to myself and made me stronger. Made me resilient. But enough about me, I want to hear about you and you’re story; looking forward to it!

Ida Protuger

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