A path to yourself – Authenticity

A path to yourself – Authenticity

What makes you, YOU? Who am I? It is the most straightforward and, at the same time, the most challenging question. How do I define myself, who do I identify with, and how do I “brand” myself? To be unique in the world, to possess what no one else on this...
Quiet quitting and future growth

Quiet quitting and future growth

Many of us had experienced speaking with an AI (artificial intelligence) when we needed customer service help. I have had a few experiences, and the fact that I couldn’t connect with a person on a human level and explain my need drove me crazy. As a result of...
Four strengths that get you closer to your well-being

Four strengths that get you closer to your well-being

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
 ― Carl Gustav Jung There are four strengths we all could use to get closer to well-being, a state in which we describe our life as meaningful. How to reach happiness and well-being is a question with no...
(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

Која е разликата помеѓу среќа и благосостојба? Чувство на исполнетост, живот со смисла. Тоа е она што во позитивната психологија се нарекува благосостојба. Зборот го влече значењето од страогрчкиот збор еудамонија, што значи, квалитетен, исполнет живот. ...