
Welcome everyone, I’m Ida, and through this blog, I aim to share insights, tips, and stories that inspire personal and professional growth. Whether you’re looking for advice on effective communication, resilience, or leadership, you’ll find valuable resources here to support your journey. Thank you for joining me, and I hope you find my blog both informative and empowering.

Ida Protuger

certified systemic life & business coach, psychologist, a former journalist

Quiet quitting and future growth

Quiet quitting and future growth

Most societies see natural resources as consumer goods and value people by labor costs. Unfortunately, this does not lead to sustainable growth. 
When we start seeing natural resources as critical sources for our future growth and valuing people’s creative potential for building a better future instead of solely surviving, we can say that we have a future. And when we only focus on using and spending the natural and human resources without building their potential for the future, we might end up without a future.

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(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

Поплавата кај Стајковци, несреќата кај Ласкарци, модуларната болница во Тетово, сообраќајните несреќи со трагични последици и небезедноста на пешаците, се само дел од примерите каде граѓанинот е оставен без поддршка од инстуциите кои треба да обезбедат елементарна сигурност и безбедност.

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(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

The difference between happiness and happy life

I’m a passionate believer in positive human potential as a base for personal growth and meaningful life. But sometimes, this potential could not unfold. Firstly because often people can not be aware of all the resources they possess. Secondly, they often face outer and inner obstacles that prevent them using the resources they possess.

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Back to freedom

Back to freedom

Just ten days ago, Vienna, the city where I live, came out of a long lockdown. We had the opportunity to eat and drink coffee in a restaurant, after almost seven months. From what it seems, a great part of the world is starting to win the battle over the corona...

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What is our strongest weapon in the new reality?

What is our strongest weapon in the new reality?

“The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning’’ - Jiddu Krishnamurti When they say wisdom comes with age, they do not refer to the years passed, but to the experience gained that sharpened one’s judgment, reaction and...

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Crisis аs a danger and opportunity

Crisis аs a danger and opportunity

Part one - Psychosocial crisis According to a legend, the word crisis in Chinese language is composed of two characters. One represents danger, the other opportunity. Although native speakers are questioning this interpretation, it is so widely used that it became a...

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