Four strengths that get you closer to your well-being

Four strengths that get you closer to your well-being

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
 ― Carl Gustav Jung There are four strengths we all could use to get closer to well-being, a state in which we describe our life as meaningful. How to reach happiness and well-being is a question with no...
(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

Која е разликата помеѓу среќа и благосостојба? Чувство на исполнетост, живот со смисла. Тоа е она што во позитивната психологија се нарекува благосостојба. Зборот го влече значењето од страогрчкиот збор еудамонија, што значи, квалитетен, исполнет живот. ...
(Не)функционалноста на институциите и ефектотот врз менталното здравје и развојот

The difference between happiness and happy life

Is happiness a need? Or just a strive? Or a feeling? What does it look like? No one can say for sure since happiness has eight billion faces, as same as the number of people on this planet. However, we all tend towards happiness, that is for sure. Although sometimes...
Great resignation and people’s search for well-being

Great resignation and people’s search for well-being

Several days ago Ernst and Young in Austria revealed a study in which 83 percent of the companies are currently struggling to find a skilled labor force. These days we are eagerly waiting to hear the number of Americans who left their job as part of the Great...
Back to freedom

Back to freedom

Just ten days ago, Vienna, the city where I live, came out of a long lockdown. We had the opportunity to eat and drink coffee in a restaurant, after almost seven months. From what it seems, a great part of the world is starting to win the battle over the corona...
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